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How do I get rid of a Mojo experience?

If you find that the effects of a single dose are too intense, try hydrating and switching to a relaxing, slow-paced activity to help settle your mind.

How will Mojo make me feel?

Mojo is designed to induce a flow state similar to a microdose. You can expect to feel an elevated mood, increased focus, a sense of clarity and patience, and a subtle energizing effect.

Will Mojo give me a psychedelic experience?

No. It does not contain psilocybin or any other psychedelic compounds. In our lab, we reverse-engineered a blend of compounds that mimic the experience of a microdose through completely legal ingredients, including functional mushrooms.

How long does a Mojo dose last?

For most people, the effects of a Mojo chew will remain active for 5 to 8 hours. The peak flow state should begin about an hour after the first dose, and last for around four hours. After that, you may notice a subtle, pleasant afterglow until your b